Family Movie Night Ideas

Last week we took the kids to the movies for the first time ever. It was so fun and it got me thinking about fun movie night ideas! We love a good movie night in our house, we pop the popcorn, get our snack cups and curl up in the media room to have Friday Night Movie Night every week so I'm always searching for new movies that we can watch together. Some of our favorites include:

  • The Croods. The second one just came out and it is hilarious! The grandma is by far my favorite character.

  • How To Train Your Dragon (1, 2 & 3). This is one of my favorite movies of all time. I could watch them all over and over. Seriously! I cry at the end of the third one EVERY time. Such good characters and such a good ending.

  • Brave. Love the lead character in this movie, she is feisty and fierce and shoots bows and arrows off horseback. She’s bascailly the Scottish version of Katniss Everdeen so of course I love it. It also makes me cry when I think about any mother daughter relationship. Really good storyline.

  • Inside Out. Also cry at this one…but that’t not surprising at this point haha, it’s so cute and so creative! I hope they make a second one!

  • Cars 3. If Hunter could read, he would be so happy that I put this one on here because he LOVES Cars. Every week when we vote on which movie to watch, he picks this one and only gets to watch it about a quarter of the time, haha but it is so good. I love the storyline, the characters, the callbacks, the details. It’s just really good. I thought Cars 1 was good, Cars 2 was okay, but Cars 3 takes the cake for me. Great ending.

If we can’t pick, we put all of our votes in a bowl and someone gets to close their eyes and choose one. It’s a great way to make it fair, and kind of a fun surprise! PS- I’ve got my eye on that popcorn maker right there. It has great reviews on Amazon and looks like a decent size. Perfect for a family night or for inviting a group of friends over for a sleepover! Happy movie watching, y’all!


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