My Latest Skin Care Routine

Hello! So if you follow me on instagram, you will know that I got a facial a few weeks ago and I have been sharing my cystic acne journey over on Instagram (@meagan.robinson if you don’t follow me). I struggle with seasonal acne from sunscreen and I’m having a pretty bad flare up right now. It used to be reallyyyy bad in high school when I was a lifeguard because I would have to be out in the sun for 8+ hours in the Texas heat and it just wreaked havoc on my skin, especially my shoulders and back. It would get so bad that even wearing a t-shirt would hurt when it touched my skin! Ugh. Those were rough days. I tried everything in those days, from Pro-Activ to benzoyl sprays, spot treatments, acne washes…you name it. I wish I had known about facials back then. I think it’s largely in part due to trying out new sunscreens, new makeup, still wearing masks while we travel etc… and possibly hormones.

Before photos: you can see the main breakouts especially along my jawline and cheeks.

I booked an appointment last month to see Saowani over at Massage Envy here in Arvada (she is seriously the best) and I picked up some skin care to try out post treatment. So far I have been really loving the Jan Marini Vitamin C Cleanser. She used that on my face to start when she was taking off my makeup and it was awesome. It smells like oranges and it really felt CLEAN afterwards. Not dried out, but just refreshed and cleansed. Plus, I love the added benefits of Vitamin C for the skin. She suggested to start using a toner for ph balance, so I went with the Obagi toner that she used. Doesn’t burn which is good! I will say, the Duality treatment is a bit harsh on my skin, but overall I had good results.

This was Day 1 after the treatment:

This was Day 2; you can already see how much clearer my skin is looking just 48 hours after!


This is what my skin looked like just 72 hours after the treatment and using the above products. I honestly can’t believe how fast it cleared up! (All photos were taken without a filter and without any makeup)

I’ve come to learn that clear skin is a journey, and your skin, just like everything else, can fluctuate. Even if something was working for a while, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will work forever. It’s a process, and some days are better than others, but learning to love and accept myself where I’m at today has made a huge difference and impact on my overall confidence and health and well-being. Just remember, you are beautiful, with or without *flawless* skin :)


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