Slowing Down for the Summer

I don’t know about you, but when I think of summertime, I think of slowing down, spending all day outside in the sun by the pool, or in the shade of a cottonwood tree on a picnic blanket eating some watermelon and feeling the cool breeze rustle through the leaves. Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling and hiking and doing all the fun vacation-y things, but there’s just something about the heat of the summer that makes me want to slow down, soak it all up, and take it all in.


Especially now after having kids and watching them growing like weeds right before my eyes, I feel like the school year is one blur of hustle and busy, I look back at the start of the Fall and can’t believe how much they’ve grown and changed! Ya know that old saying that goes “day by day nothing changes but you look back and everything is different”? That’s totally how I feel now. It’s so crazy how they will walk into the kitchen some mornings and I swear they grew overnight.

I don’t like busyness. I don’t operate well under those circumstances either, ha, just ask Cody. I am the worst at time management sometimes and I need to know when I go to bed that we don’t have to get up and rush out the door somewhere. There’s something so sweet and simple and free about getting up, pouring the kids some cereal, myself a cup of coffee, and curling up to watch cartoons with them on a sunny summer morning where we have nothing to do and nowhere to be. And nothing but time and an open day full of possibilities.

I saw this top on Amazon and I had to grab it. Sunshine and coffee?? Yes please!! It’s a steal too! Happy Summer, y’all!



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Rompin’ Around Town


The Bessst Snakeskin Bootssss